cEVD – Certified Engineer Vehicle Dynamics


Practice-oriented course for driving comfort and driving dynamics


We have been offering our own state-of-the-art training courses for 10 years, incorporating our experience from 20 years supporting OEMs in vehicle and chassis development.

We make these competencies and experiences available to selected customers as exclusive advanced training. Our training courses are aimed at development engineers and employees of vehicle manufacturers and suppliers who wish to expand their experience to include subjective vehicle assessment. We also offer young engineers a quick entry into the matter, a major plus in view of the shortage of skilled workers in the automotive sector.

In small groups and under the guidance of expert TRE engineers, the following course contents are taught:

  • Theoretical concepts
  • Metrological basics
  • Simulation tools and important standards from the field of suspension tuning
  • Practical driving experience: two days at a test area
  • Participants learn on the basis of driving maneuvers how they can professionally assess and influence the tuning of suspensions
  • Subjective assessment of “comfort” and “dynamics

Our claim:

  • Learning with enthusiasm
  • Practice-oriented
  • Extremely small groups
  • Open and constructive working atmosphere
  • Experienced trainers with many years of experience in the areas of brakes, driving comfort and driving behavior (dynamics)
  • Knowledge from practitioners for practitioners

Our experienced trainers will introduce you step by step to the subjective evaluation and tuning of suspensions. In the two modules “Fundamentals” and “Advanced”, which build on each other, you will learn the most important terms, tools and methods from this demanding field. In the “Expert” module, we delve into individual topics according to customer requirements.

Upon completion of the training, you will receive a certificate from TRE as a “Certified Engineer Vehicle Dynamics”.



In this two-day course, we provide a broad overview of chassis and subjective vehicle tuning.

In the Fundamentals course, our trainers work with a maximum of six participants to lay the theoretical foundations of the structure of a chassis and which aspects must be taken into account in the subjective evaluation. Subsequently, in the practical part of the course, you will evaluate the characteristics of suspensions, in terms of ride comfort and driving dynamics.

Attendees range from those unfamiliar with the field to engineers looking to advance their skills in subjective assessment or tuning.

Day 1: Laying the theoretical foundation and first practical experience

  • Introduction to the function and structure of suspensions
  • Possibilities and limits of simulation for the chassis area
  • What significance the subjective evaluation of chassis makes
  • Which aspects play a role in the subjective assessment
  • First practical work: TRE trainers show how to professionally evaluate selected chassis properties

Day 2: Subjective assessment of driving dynamics and ride comfort

  • Carrying out test drives and driving maneuvers under the guidance of a trainer
  • Getting to know braking and turn-in behavior in detail
  • There is one vehicle per two participants, so each participant drives three different vehicles for judging
  • The basis for the assessment is the grading system with ten gradations
  • Participants rate ten precisely described individual criteria in the comfort area
  • During the dynamics assessment, participants evaluate according to fifteen detailed individual criteria

The aim of the “Fundamentals” module is for participants to develop a basic understanding of the complex subject of “chassis tuning” and to become familiar with selected facets of subjective evaluation. In addition, they should also be taught how to continuously improve during everyday trips.


Building on the “Fundamentals” course, we introduce the maximum of six participants to the fundamentals of chassis tuning in greater depth in the two-day “Advanced” module.

This course also consists of a theoretical and a practical part. Here, participants learn about measurement techniques and their standards and can also experience the effects of changes to the chassis on the test track.

Day 1: Setting up the chassis of the test vehicles

  • Explanation of special chassis measurement techniques
  • Addressing chassis components of the test vehicles, which are modified in the practical part of the course
  • B. the influence of the stabilizer is presented in theory and practice
  • Based on the standards ISO 3888-1 (test procedure for double lane change) and ISO 14512 (braking on µ-split) the participants learn the boundary conditions, the procedure and the evaluation of the tests.

Day 2: Driving tests on a test track

  • Two participants at a time experience under the guidance of a trainer what effects the changes to the chassis have on the driving behavior.
  • What happens when stabilizers are switched on and off
  • What consequences have different air pressures in the tires
  • What changes when the vehicle dynamics control (ESP) is switched off

After attending the “Advanced” module, participants will have mastered the more advanced aspects of chassis tuning, and will also have developed a basic understanding of the relevant ISO standards and the associated driving tests.


We offer our customers customized workshops on a wide variety of topics. The focus is determined by our customers themselves.

Our two-day course for a maximum of four participants is a combination of theory and practical driving tests. Our customers can determine the thematic focus themselves. We offer workshops on very different topics. In preparation for the official Industry Pool Nürburgring license, TRE has successfully trained numerous test engineers and test drivers from OEM Industry Pool members.

Possible topics are:

  • Subjective tire test: Here, participants learn to assess the effects of different types of tires on dynamics and ride comfort and become familiar with the specific terminology in this area
  • ESP: Introduction to the operation and different controllers
  • Chassis tuning using the example of changes to the shock absorber
  • Learning which effects a change of a damper map has on the driving behavior

In addition to track knowledge and an improved driving style, participants gain additional knowledge about driving dynamics, vehicle reactions and chassis evaluation.

After attending the Expert module, participants will have developed a detailed understanding of the subject. In the respective area, they can now also communicate with experts at eye level.